I swung.
And sent one deep into left field.
Where to begin....Ah...yes [enter dream sequence music]........................
Sometime after posting about my epiphany that Stacy Ferguson from Kids Incorporated was in fact Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas I got a phone call saying I was wanted for a job in Maine. Maine?
But, what's there to do in Maine I wondered.....

WOW! That looks like a lot of fun. This is something I really need to think about. But, my present office was no place for that kind of decision making.
So I decided to get away. Collect my thoughts and decide on what was best for me. There was no choice but to go to Hawaii.
Hawaii was exactly what I needed. It was so peaceful, beautiful and serene. I got a lot of thinking done.
After all that thinking I decided I shouldn't exclude myself from the group and ventured out to make new friends.
Now, Hawaii was great and all but I was missing the mainland pretty badly. All that salt water was going straight to my head and I needed something to take the edge off. Hey, Las Vegas sounds fun!
So off I went to SIN CITY. I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind. I stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel because let's face it, I like to rock hard while in Vegas.
While at the Hard Rock I caught a Tom Petty show..Is it me or does this dude look like a candle gradually melting away? Now I know how Free Falling got started.
I also played 14 hours of black jack with a couple of guys from Ohio.
All in all, another great piece of the trip. But, I was forgetting the issue at hand. MAINE. It would be a big decision for me to make. The biggest decision of my life. Boston has been great to me. I feel like I have earned the been there done that T-Shirt for Boston. I saw the Sox win the championship and the Pats a couple too. I guess it's time to trade in my T-pass for some snow tires and make my way up north.
I leave on Sunday. Go Black Bears!
congrats on the new job...and from the looks of enjoyed hawaii too fucking much and didn't take me with you dammit! soon as I get re-acquainted with the world's news and affairs I will get back to making you LYFAO
Sounds like the trip was a blast. Glad you had fun! And welcome home!
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