Saturday, September 10, 2005

Reasons I haven't been blogging

1. My dog ate my computer.
2. I forgot to pay my cable/wireless bill.
3. My computer was being held for ransom.
4. I have been busy digging a hole to China.
5. I lost my blogging rights in a poker game.
6. I tried to quit blogging cold turkey and it took me 5 days to fall off the wagon.
7. I thought my blog cheated on me with Angelina Jolie and I broke up with it.
8. $50 for every day I don't blog is going to help Hurricane Katrina victims.
9. I was too high.
10. I was cork soaking and speaking to Coloniel Angus.
10. My friends triple dog dared me not to blog.

Sorry I haven't been around. Work is pretty busy and we started practice last Thursday. I will try to make it up to all of you. Here are some of those pictures I had promised last week.

Hanauma Bay, Hawaii

The team I was coaching in Hawaii.

Having fun on the team bus.

Playing some ukelele at the airport with my team.

This girl I know playing the ukelele.

My friend Finn. (AKA Coloniel Angus)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard you are quite the cork soaker, is this true?

12:09 PM  
Blogger MaineSqueeze said...

Hahaha...#11 was almost- to piss Spex off.

Did you go to RL?

7:26 AM  
Blogger MaineSqueeze said...

checked out Bey...exactly what I pictured. She actually looks like a girl I know. Did Bey ever live in Philly???

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope stay..she never lived in philly...

and why did you picture me to be with an aggressive? why not a femme? hahahahahahahah

simple answer...only room for 1 skirt and i wear it well! ha!

6:47 AM  

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