This Is How We Do
Thoughts of the Day
I think I have an ulcer in my stomach. I've had sharp pains for 2 days now. The ulcer is eating away at my creativity. So today may be a reduced calorie entry.
Today is my grandmother's birthday. She would have been 90. She died just about 14 years ago. My mother told me to be sure I said a prayer today because it was Nana's birthday. I don't really know what that means. But, I am pretty sure that is my mom's way of telling me to be sure to think of Nana today. Don't worry Mom. I already am.
I was talking about throwback jerseys the other night and my friend asked me what a throwback was. It was asked with such innocence I told her it would somehow make my blog.
If you haven't seen Wedding Crashers yet you are missing out. By far, the funniest thing I have seen in a while. Despite Owen Wilson's nose hypnotizing me on again off again during the movie, I couldn't stop laughing. Vince Vaughn is the funniest actor period. Go ahead and challenge that statement because I've got like 50 of his movie quotes to attack you with. Try me.
Would any of you ever move to Maine? Tell me why or why not.
From now on call me Macushla.
Mandy Moore is Aquaman's kryptonite.
If you throw a quarter in a wishing well, does that mean you get 25 wishes?
I think I have an ulcer in my stomach. I've had sharp pains for 2 days now. The ulcer is eating away at my creativity. So today may be a reduced calorie entry.
Today is my grandmother's birthday. She would have been 90. She died just about 14 years ago. My mother told me to be sure I said a prayer today because it was Nana's birthday. I don't really know what that means. But, I am pretty sure that is my mom's way of telling me to be sure to think of Nana today. Don't worry Mom. I already am.
I was talking about throwback jerseys the other night and my friend asked me what a throwback was. It was asked with such innocence I told her it would somehow make my blog.
If you haven't seen Wedding Crashers yet you are missing out. By far, the funniest thing I have seen in a while. Despite Owen Wilson's nose hypnotizing me on again off again during the movie, I couldn't stop laughing. Vince Vaughn is the funniest actor period. Go ahead and challenge that statement because I've got like 50 of his movie quotes to attack you with. Try me.
Would any of you ever move to Maine? Tell me why or why not.
From now on call me Macushla.
Mandy Moore is Aquaman's kryptonite.
If you throw a quarter in a wishing well, does that mean you get 25 wishes?
a pacifier will get you any wish you want
ha ha anony...inside joke! I once saw a pacifier in a fountain and said "Iguess somebody wanted a wish real bad."
Will Ferrell is way funnier! The blow up doll scene in Old School is priceless.
Dear Magushla,
Vince Vaughn is TOTALLY funny.
And "hypnotic" is the kindest description I've ever heard for Owen Wilson's nose.
Ahh. I meant Macushla. It is what Clint Eastwood calls Hilary Swank in Million Dollar yes, it means DARLING.
jesus..another day and i'm cracking up...
I haven't seen Wedding Crashers yet. I've heard fantastic things though. When people say it's the best comedy since Old School-- that's saying a lot for me since it's a fav.
Personally Vince Vaughn's scene in Swingers when he's baby talking the lady in the restaurant is the funniest shit ever. I thought I was going to lose it.
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