Holla Back Week
This Week's Rewind
- Saw a Bull Hurley look-a-like at a rest stop on I-87. Couldn't resist asking him if he wanted to arm wrestle now or wait 'til Vegas.
- Found out you can lose weight if you eat peanut butter and jelly for every meal, every day. Cut the crust off 6 loaves of bread.
- Decided that my feelings for Kelly Ripa are more than just a crush.
- Tried to decide if I would have rathered Charles in charge of me or Tony Danza as my boss growing up.
- Watched the last 5 minutes of the Karate Kid and cried.
- Informed my poker table at Foxwoods that I was there win a bagillion dollars.
- Did keg stands with a group of senior citizens from Nova Scotia at a Red Roof Inn.
- Rubbed an 87 year old's back as she threw up.
- Saw a preview for Hulk Hogan's new show. Ripped off my shirt and screamed Stacey-Mania is gonna run wild on you!
- Got my mother a porn star name at this site. From now my mother shall be called Sassy Pickle.
I also hung out with boys from Entourage....

Told Tom he was the only one for me...

And, finally developed those pictures from Wimbeldon....

HULK HOGAN IS THE SHYT!! I used to like ultimate warrior..but that was back when i didn't know wrestling was fake as hell..lol you and those pictures..lmao..2 funny..
did your 87 year old friend
boot and rally?
Thanks for putting the "Charles in Charge" theme song back in my head. For three straight weeks in February that theme ran NON-STOP through my princess brain.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan was my favorite. Hooooo!
Edith puked all over orthopedic shoes but then cracked another Bud.
Charles was always in charge of our days and our nights. Willie Ames is now starring on Celebrity Fit Club 2. WTF?
this was great stacey. thanx for visiting me. i will be back to vist you again soon.
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